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  • Laptops

    I detta ämne samlas rapporter och uppsatser om laptops

    Nyckelord: Brandrisk laptops datorer

  • #2
    Fire hazard in laptop computers - 2011

    This report is written to shed light on the fire risks with laptop computers. Different parts of the laptops are tested in different hypotheses, using literature studies, case studies and experiments.
    The result indicates that Lithium-Ion batteries are the major risk, because of their high energy content. In some cases, the protective circuits may fail, which in worst case may result in rapidly increasing temperature and an explosion due to high internal pressure buildup.
    CPU heat production is not sufficient alone to ignite a possible underlay, but could very well contribute to the battery issues, in which heat plays a major role. Other possible risks with laptop computers involve capacitors and adapters, which most often in incidents only cause melting/smoke, but in rare cases have been known to cause open fires.

    Rapporten är ett examensarbete skrivet av Oscar Andersson vid LTH

    Nyckelord: Datorer Laptops bränder
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    Senast ändrad av QC-Lund; 2017-12-28, 09:29.



