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Innehåll i brandrök och släckvatten

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  • Innehåll i brandrök och släckvatten

    I detta ämne samlas kunskap om vad släckvatten och brandrök innehåller.

    Nyckelord: brandrök släckvatten miljö uppsamling

  • #2
    Undersökning av innehållet i släckvatten och rök från bilbränder, RISE - 2023

    En rapport där RISE eldat fossilbränslebilar och batterielektriska bilar och analyserat innehållet i brandröken och släckvattnet.

    Large-scale fire tests were performed with both conventional and electric vehicles. Tests were performed indoors at RISE, Borås, which also allowed analysis of combustion gases for both inorganic and organic pollutants in the gas and liquid phase.It was found that nickel, cobalt, lithium, manganese and hydrogen fluoride appeared in higher concentrations in the effluents from the battery electric vehicle and lithium-ion battery compared to from the internal combustion engine vehicle. However, lead was found in higher concentrations in the effluents from the internal combustion engine vehicle, both in the combustion gases as well as in the extinguishing water. Ecotoxicity analysis showed that extinguishing water from all vehicle and battery fires analysed in this work were toxic against the tested aquatic species.
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