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Stresshantering, kamratstöd och debriefing

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  • Stresshantering, kamratstöd och debriefing

    I detta ämne samlas utländska dokument som handlar om stresshantering för operativ personal.

    Nyckelord: stress stresshantering stressreaktion kamratstöd debriefing
    Senast ändrad av PO; 2011-12-08, 10:05.

  • #2
    Guide om stresshantering i yrken som arbetar med kriser, USA - 2011

    En amerikansk guide om stresshantering i yrken som hanterar kriser. Den är framtagen av US Department of Health and Safety 2011.
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    • #3
      Stresshanteringsprogram, Los Angeles

      Bifogat finns en beskrivning av Los Angeles stresshanteringsprogram. Det innehåller förutom rutinerna även mycket bakgrundsfakta inom området.
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      • #4
        Debriefingrutiner, Nya Zeeland - 2006

        Bifogat finns ett dokument som beskriver rutiner för debriefing på Nya Zeeland.
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        • #5
          Strid och operativ stresskontroll, US Navy - 2010

          Bifogat dokument beskriver hur US Navy och US Marines tänker avseende stresskontroll. Så här inleds doktrinen om att kontrollera stress:

          Leaders at all levels are responsible for preserving the psychological health of their Marines, Sailors, and family members, just as they are responsible for preserving their physical health. This responsibility applies to every link in every chain of command from fire team leaders and work center supervisors to combatant commanders and commanding officers. Medical, religious ministry, and other support personnel can help with this task, but only line leaders can balance combat and operational requirements that expose warriors to risks with the imperative to preserve health and readiness.

          To promote psychological health in their Marines and Sailors, leaders must actively foster resilience, prevent stress problems as
          much as possible, recognize when stress problems have occurred, and eliminate the stigma associated with getting needed help. Decisions about whether to deploy Marines or Sailors experiencing stress problems or retain them in a deployed status can only be made by operational commanders; however, line leaders can mentor Service members experiencing stress problems toward successful recovery and reintegration.
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          Senast ändrad av PO; 2014-05-27, 19:56.


          • #6
            Strid och operativ stress, Första hjälpen, US Navy - 2010

            US Navy har tagit fram en utbildningshandledning för hur de som ska ta hand om sina kamrater ska agera för att ge psykologisk första hjälpen. Så här beskrivs dokumentet:
            The Combat and Operational Stress First Aid (COSFA) Training manual is a companion document for the COSFA for Caregiver training course. The COSFA training is based on the concepts of the Maritime Combat and Operational Stress Control program for the U. S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Navy. The content in this manual is intended to provide information to Navy and Marine Corps caregivers about immediate responses to preserve life, prevent further harm, and promote recovery for preclinical stress injury. COSFA is not a replacement for professional judgment of leaders and clinicians or indicated clinical care.
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